- chemokinesis
- chemo·kinesis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Chemokinesis — Motile response of unicellular prokaryotic or eukaryotic organisms to chemicals that cause the cell to make some kind of change in their migratory/swimming behaviour. Changes involve an increase or decrease of speed, alterations of amplitude or… … Wikipedia
chemokinesis — n. [Gr. chemeia, pert. chemistry; kinesis, movement] Increased movement of an organism due to the presence of a chemical substance; chemokinetic adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
chemokinesis — A response by a motile cell to a soluble chemical that involves an increase or decrease in speed (positive or negative orthokinesis) or of frequency of movement, or a change in the frequency or magnitude of turning behaviour (klinokinesis) … Dictionary of molecular biology
chemokinesis — chemokinetic /kee moh ki net ik, kuy , kem oh /, adj. /kee moh ki nee sis, kuy , kem oh /, n. increased activity of an organism due to a chemical substance. [1895 1900; CHEMO + KINESIS] * * * … Universalium
chemokinesis — noun The motile response of an organism to chemical compounds, especially at a cellular level … Wiktionary
Chemokinesis — The response of a cell to a chemical that causes the cell to make some kind of change in its movement by speeding it up, slowing it down or changing its direction. The molecules that achieve these results are called chemokines. * * * Stimulation… … Medical dictionary
chemokinesis — n. increased activity of an organism under the influence of a chemical substance … English contemporary dictionary
chemokinesis — /kimoʊkəˈnisəs/ (say keemohkuh neesuhs) noun a change in the movement of free moving cells in the body, when stimulated by a chemical agent. {chemo + kinesis} –chemokinetic /kimoʊkəˈnɛtɪk/ (say keemohkuh netik), adjective …
chemokinesis — n. increase in activity caused chemically. ♦ chemolysis, n. decomposition chemically caused. ♦ chemonuclear, adj. pertaining to or arising from both a chemical and a nuclear reaction. ♦ chemoprophylaxis, n. prevention by means of a… … Dictionary of difficult words
chemokinesis — … Useful english dictionary