- chiliarch
- chil·i·arch
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Chiliarch — (griechisch χιλίαρχος, chiliarchos) war die griechische Bezeichnung für den Kommandeur der Leibgarde im Perserreich der Achämeniden bzw. für den Kommandeur von 1000 Mann. Er übernahm später auch wichtige Regierungsfunktionen, die in der (älteren) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chiliarch — (Greek: χιλίαρχος, meaning commander of a thousand ), in the Greek army of the Hellenistic period, was a commander of a 1,000 men unit, roughly equivalent to a modern battalion. The office was an adaptation by Alexander the Great of the Persian… … Wikipedia
Chiliárch — (griech.), im altgriechischen Heere Befehlshaber über 1000 Mann, Oberst … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
chiliarch — [kil′ē ärk΄] n. [L chiliarches < Gr chiliarchēs < chilioi, a thousand + archos, leader] in ancient Greece, the military commander of 1,000 men … English World dictionary
Chiliarch — Chilian Chil i*an, Chiliarch Chil i*arch , n. [Gr. ?, ?; chi lioi a thousand + ? leader, ? to lead.] The commander or chief of a thousand men. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chiliarch — chiliarchy, n. /kil ee ahrk /, n. (in ancient Greece) the military commander of 1000 men. [1650 60; < L chiliarches (or chiliarchus) < Gk chiliárches (or chiliárchos), equiv. to chíli(oi) 1000 + arches (or archos) ARCH] * * * … Universalium
chiliarch — noun A commander of a thousand troops in Hellenistic Greece … Wiktionary
Chiliarch — Chi|li|arch der; en, en <aus gleichbed. gr. chiliárchēs> Befehlshaber über tausend Mann (im alten Griechenland) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
chiliarch — n. body comprised of a thousand men; (in Ancient Greece) military leader of 1000 men … English contemporary dictionary
chiliarch — [ kɪlɪα:k] noun (in ancient Greece) a commander of a thousand men. Origin C16: via late L. from Gk khiliarkhēs, from khilioi thousand … English new terms dictionary