- chloroquine
- chlo·ro·quine
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Chloroquine — Systematic (IUPAC) name N (7 chloroquinolin 4 yl) N,N diethyl pentane 1,4 diamine Clinical data Trade names … Wikipedia
Chloroquine — Général Nom IUPAC N (7 chloroquinolin 4 yl) N,N diethyl pentane 1,4 diamine … Wikipédia en Français
chloroquine — [ klɔrɔkin ] n. f. • 1953; en angl. 1946; de chloro et quin(oléine) ♦ Méd. Médicament synthétique employé dans le traitement du paludisme et de certaines arthrites. Syn. (déposé) NIVAQUINEn. f. ● chloroquine nom féminin Dérivé chloré de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
chloroquine — [klôr′ə kwin] n. [< CHLORO + QUIN(OLIN)E] a synthetic drug, C18H26ClN3, used in treating malaria, certain kinds of arthritis, etc … English World dictionary
chloroquine — /klawr euh kwin, kween , klohr /, n. Pharm. a synthetic substance, C18H26ClN3, used chiefly to control malaria attacks. [1945 50; CHLORO 2 + QUIN(OLIN)E] * * * ▪ drug synthetic drug used in the treatment of malaria. Chloroquine, introduced… … Universalium
chloroquine hydrochloride — the dihydrochloride salt of chloroquine, used for suppression and treatment of malaria and as a second line agent for treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis; administered intramuscularly … Medical dictionary
chloroquine phosphate — [USP] the phosphate salt of chloroquine, used for suppression and treatment of malaria, for treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis, and as a lupus erythematosus suppressant; administered orally … Medical dictionary
chloroquine-resistant malaria — /ˌklɔroʊkwin rəzɪstənt məˈlɛəriə/ (say .klawrohkween ruhzistuhnt muh lairreeuh) noun the most severe form of malaria, caused by the microorganism Plasmodium falciparum, which can no longer be controlled by the use of the drug chloroquine. Also,… …
chloroquine — noun Etymology: chlor + quinoline Date: 1946 an antimalarial drug C18H26ClN3 administered in the form of its bitter crystalline diphosphate … New Collegiate Dictionary
chloroquine — Antimalarial drug that has the interesting property of increasing the pH within the lysosomewhen added to intact cells in culture … Dictionary of molecular biology
chloroquine — noun A 4 aminoquinoline drug used to treat and prevent malaria, having the chemical formula CHClN … Wiktionary