

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Chono — is an extinct group of people who were indigenous to Chiloé Island, Los Lagos, Chile. They used nets and spears to gather food from the sea, but supplemented their catch with potatoes and other growths from small gardens. The dwelling places… …   Wikipedia

  • Chono Ca Pe — Chono Ca Pe, painted by Charles Bird King Chono Ca Pe was a Native American chief of the Otoe tribe. He was a member of the O Fallon delegation of 1821. Source Famous Indian Chiefs, Page 5 from Axel, URL accessed 03/02/06[dead link] …   Wikipedia

  • Chono — (Chononus, Chononius, Bono), (29. Mai), Abt auf der Insel Lerin oder St. Honorat, der wegen seiner Heiligkeit so berühmt war, daß auch der hl. Gregorius der Große Briefe an ihn richtete. Er lebte um das Jahr 600 …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Chono — chono, na. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio extinguido de la zona austral de Chile. U. t. c. s. || 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los chonos. || 3. m. Lengua hablada por los chonos. * * * Pueblo prehispánico que habitó en las… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • chono — chono, na 1. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio extinguido de la zona austral de Chile. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los chonos. 3. m. Lengua hablada por los chonos …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Chono — ▪ people       extinct South American Indian group that lived in southern Chile, between the Corcovado Gulf and the Gulf of Penas. At no time represented by more than a few hundred individuals, the Chono have never been thoroughly described by… …   Universalium

  • Chono — Chonos Reconstrucción de una dalca, embarcación que usaban los chonos. Población total extintos Idioma …   Wikipedia Español

  • Chono people — Chono is an extinct group of people who were indigenous in Chiloé Archipelago, Chile. They used nets and spears to gather food from the sea, but supplemented their catch with potatoes and other growths from small gardens. The welling places… …   Wikipedia

  • Chono language — Not to be confused with Chonan languages. Chono Aksanás Spoken in Chile Region Chiloé Archipelago Ethnicity Chono people …   Wikipedia

  • chono — …   Useful english dictionary

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