- chronaxy
- chro·naxy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
chronaxy — noun see chronaxie … New Collegiate Dictionary
chronaxy — SYN: chronaxie. * * * chro·naxy (kroґnak se) [chron + Gr. axios fit] the minimum time an electric current must flow at a voltage twice the rheobase to cause a muscle to contract … Medical dictionary
chronaxy — noun see chronaxie … Useful english dictionary
Chronaxie — Rheobase and chronaxie are points defined on the strength duration curve for stimulus of an excitable tissue. In the mathematical description of the functioning of the nervous system, the chronaxie (or chronaxy) is the minimum time over which an… … Wikipedia
chronaxie — A measurement of excitability of nervous or muscular tissue; the shortest duration of an effective electrical stimulus having a strength equal to twice the minimum strength required for excitation. SYN … Medical dictionary
chronaxie — also chronaxy noun Etymology: French chronaxie, from chron + Greek axia value, from axios worthy more at axiom Date: 1922 the minimum time required for excitation of a structure (as a nerve cell) by a constant electric current of twice the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Phonation — has slightly different meanings depending on the subfield of phonetics. Among some phoneticians, phonation is the process by which the vocal folds produce certain sounds through quasi periodic vibration. This is the definition used among those… … Wikipedia
chronaxie — /kroh nak see, kron ak /, n. Physiol. the minimum time that an electric current of twice the threshold strength must flow in order to excite a tissue. Also, chronaxy. [1915 20; < F, equiv. to chron CHRON + axie < Gk axía worth, value] * * * … Universalium
strength-duration curve — a graphic representation of the relationship between the intensity of an electric stimulus at the motor point of a muscle and the length of time it must flow to elicit a minimal contraction; see also chronaxy and rheobase … Medical dictionary
chronaxie — /ˈkroʊnæksi/ (say krohnaksee) noun Physiology the minimum time that a current of twice the threshold strength (that value below which no excitation occurs) must flow in order to excite a tissue. Also, chronaxy. {chron + Greek axia value} …