- churlish
- churl·ish
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Churlish — Churl ish, a. 1. Like a churl; rude; cross grained; ungracious; surly; illiberal; niggardly. Churlish benefits. Ld. Burleigh. [1913 Webster] Half mankind maintain a churlish strife. Cowper. [1913 Webster] 2. Wanting pliancy; unmanageable;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
churlish — index brutal, caitiff, disorderly, fractious, illiberal, impertinent (insolent), inelegant, malevolent … Law dictionary
churlish — late O.E. cierlisc of or pertaining to churls, from CHURL (Cf. churl) + ISH (Cf. ish). Meaning deliberately rude is late 14c … Etymology dictionary
churlish — boorish, loutish, clownish (see under BOOR) Analogous words: ungracious, ill mannered, discourteous, *rude, uncivil, impolite: curt, blunt, brusque, gruff, crusty (see BLUFF): surly, dour (see SULLEN) Antonyms: courtly Contrasted words: *civil,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
churlish — [adj] crude, boorish base, blunt, brusque, cantankerous*, cloddish, clodhopping*, crabbed, crude, crusty, curt, cussed*, discourteous, dour, grouchy, gruff, grumpy, harsh, ill tempered, impolite, loutish, lowbred, mean, miserly, morose, oafish,… … New thesaurus
churlish — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ rude, mean spirited, and surly. DERIVATIVES churlishly adverb churlishness noun … English terms dictionary
churlish — [chʉr′lish] adj. 1. of a churl or churls; rustic 2. like a churl; surly; boorish 3. stingy or mean 4. Now Rare hard to work or manage churlishly adv. churlishness n … English World dictionary
churlish — adj. churlish to + inf. (it would be churlish to offer such petty criticism) * * * [ tʃɜːlɪʃ] churlish to + inf. (it would be churlish to offer such petty criticism) … Combinatory dictionary
churlish — [[t]tʃɜ͟ː(r)lɪʃ[/t]] ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf (disapproval) Someone who is churlish is unfriendly, bad tempered, or impolite. She would think him churlish if he refused... The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue … English dictionary
churlish — churl|ish [ tʃɜrlıʃ ] adjective impolite and unfriendly, especially toward someone who does not deserve to be treated in this way: churlish behavior It seemed churlish to refuse … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
churlish — UK [ˈtʃɜː(r)lɪʃ] / US [ˈtʃɜrlɪʃ] adjective impolite and unfriendly, especially towards someone who does not deserve to be treated in this way churlish behaviour It seemed churlish to refuse … English dictionary