- chylocyst
- chy·lo·cyst
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
chylocyst — SYN: cisterna chyli. [chylo + G. kystis, bladder] * * * chy·lo·cyst (kiґlo sist) cisterna chyli … Medical dictionary
chylocyst — ˈkīləˌsist noun ( s) Etymology: chyl + cyst : cisterna chyli … Useful english dictionary
cisterna — SYN: cistern. [L. an underground cistern for water, fr. cista, a box] c. ambiens [TA] SYN: ambient cistern. c. basalis SYN: interpeduncular cistern. c. caryothecae the space between the internal and external membranes of the nuclear … Medical dictionary
cisterna chyli — cisterna chy·li kī .lī n, pl cisternae chyli a dilated lymph channel usu. opposite the first and second lumbar vertebrae and marking the beginning of the thoracic duct * * * [TA] a dilated portion of the thoracic duct at its origin in the lumbar… … Medical dictionary
chyl- — combining form or chyli or chylo Etymology: French or New Latin, from Greek chyl , chylo , from chylos 1. : chyle chyluria … Useful english dictionary