

English syllables. 2014.

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  • citharoedic — |sithə|rēdik, |ki adjective Etymology: Latin citharoedicus, from Greek kitharōidikos, from kitharōidos singer who accompanies himself on the cithara, from kithara cithara + aoidos singer, from aeidein to sing more at ode : of or relating to a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Olympus (musician) — For other uses, see Olympus. Olympus (or Olympos, Greek: Ὄλυμπος) is the name of to two ancient Greek musicians, one mythical who lived before the Trojan war, and one apparently real, who lived in the 7th century BC. Both musicians were connected …   Wikipedia

  • Mesomedes de Creta — fue un poeta lírico griego y compositor de comienzos del siglo II. Era un liberto del emperador Adriano, para cuyo favorito Antínoo, parece que escribió un panegírico llamado Citharoedic Hymn (Suda). Se conservan dos epigramas suyos en la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Terpander — (Greek Τέρπανδρος), of Antissa in Lesbos, was a Greek poet and citharode who lived about the first half of the 7th century BC.About the time of the Second Messenian War, he settled in Sparta, whither, according to some accounts, he had been… …   Wikipedia

  • Mesomedes — of Crete (Ancient Greek: Μεσομήδης ὁ Κρής) was a Greek lyric poet and composer of the early 2nd century. He was a freedman of the Emperor Hadrian, on whose favorite Antinous he is said to have written a panegyric, specifically called a… …   Wikipedia

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