- coars
- coars·en;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
coars|en — «KR suhn, KOHR », transitive verb, intransitive verb. to make or become coarse: »The actor coarsened his features with make up to look like a villain. A person s speech and manner may coarsen in bad company … Useful english dictionary
coars·en — … Useful english dictionary
coarsen — coars·en … English syllables
coarsen — coars|en [ˈko:sən US ˈko:r ] v [I and T] 1.) to become thicker or rougher, or to make something thicker or rougher ▪ Hard work had coarsened his hands. 2.) to become or to make someone become less polite in the way they talk or behave ▪ He s been … Dictionary of contemporary English
coarsen — coars|en [ kɔrsn ] verb 1. ) intransitive or transitive to become rough and hard or to make something become rough and hard: the coarsened skin on his hands 2. ) intransitive or transitive to become larger and thicker or to make something become… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
coarsen — coars•en [[t]ˈkɔr sən, ˈkoʊr [/t]] v. t. v. i. ened, en•ing to make or become coarse • Etymology: 1795–1805 … From formal English to slang
coarsish — coarsˈish adjective Somewhat coarse • • • Main Entry: ↑coarse … Useful english dictionary
adosser — (a dô sé) v. a. 1° Mettre le dos contre quelque chose. Il adossa ses hommes à une muraille. 2° Placer une chose contre une autre qui lui sert d appui. Adosser son camp à un fleuve. L architecte veut adosser la maison au coteau. 3° S adosser … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
coarse — [[t]kɔrs, koʊrs[/t]] adj. coars•er, coars•est 1) composed of relatively large parts or particles: coarse sand[/ex] 2) lacking in fineness or delicacy of texture, structure, etc.: coarse fabric[/ex] 3) harsh; grating 4) lacking refinement;… … From formal English to slang
coarse´ness — coarse «krs, kohrs», adjective, coars|er, coars|est. 1. made up of fairly large parts; not fine: »coarse salt, coarse sand. 2. heavy or rough in looks or texture: »Burlap is a coarse cloth. The old fisherman had coarse, weathered features. 3.… … Useful english dictionary