

English syllables. 2014.

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  • coleoptilum — noun see coleoptile …   Useful english dictionary

  • coleoptile — noun Etymology: New Latin coleoptilum, from Greek koleon + ptilon down; akin to Greek pteron Date: circa 1866 the first leaf of a monocotyledon forming a protective sheath about the plumule …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • coleoptile — /koh lee op til, kol ee /, n. Bot. (in grasses) the first leaf above the ground, forming a sheath around the stem tip. [1865 70; < NL coleoptilum < Gk koleó(n) sheath, scabbard + ptílon soft feathers, down] * * * …   Universalium

  • κολεόπτιλο — το βοτ. μεμβρανώδες ή σαρκώδες περίβλημα που καλύπτει κυρίως το βλαστίδιο τών αγρωστωδών. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Αντιδάνεια λ., πρβλ. αγγλ. coleoptile < νεολατ. coleoptilum < coleo (πρβλ. κολεο < κολεόν) + ptilum (< πτίλον)] …   Dictionary of Greek

  • coleoptile — co•le•op•tile [[t]ˌkoʊ liˈɒp tɪl, ˌkɒl i [/t]] n. bot (in grasses) the first leaf above the ground, forming a sheath around the stem tip • Etymology: 1865–70; < NL coleoptilum < Gk koleó(n) sheath +ptílon soft feathers …   From formal English to slang

  • coleoptile — /kɒliˈɒptaɪl/ (say kolee optuyl) noun (in grasses) the first leaf above the ground, forming a sheath round the stem tip. {New Latin coleoptilum, from Greek koleos sheath + ptilon soft feathers, down} …  

  • coleoptile — [kō΄lē äp′til, käl΄ēäp′til] n. [ModL coleoptilum < Gr koleos, sheath + ptilon, feather, prob. < IE * pti , var. of base * pet : see FEATHER] the tubular protective sheath which surrounds the young shoot in the germinating grass seed …   English World dictionary

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