- condignity
- con·dig·ni·ty
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Condignity — Con*dig ni*ty, n. [Cf. F. condignit[ e].] (Scholastic Theol.) Merit, acquired by works, which can claim reward on the score of general benevolence. [1913 Webster] Such a worthiness of condignity, and proper merit of the heavenly glory, cannot be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
condignity — /keuhn dig ni tee/, n. Scholasticism. merit earned through good works while in a state of grace, and having a just claim on such rewards as heavenly glory. Cf. congruity (def. 4). [1545 55; < ML condignitas; see CONDIGN, ITY] * * * … Universalium
condignity — noun The condition of being condign; merit or worthiness … Wiktionary
condignity — Заслуга2 … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
condignity — kənˈdignəd.ē, kän noun ( es) Etymology: Medieval Latin condignitas, from Latin condignus very worthy + itas ity 1. obsolete : merit, worthiness … Useful english dictionary
Merit — • By merit (meritum) in general is understood that property of a good work which entitles the doer to receive a reward from him in whose service the work is done Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Merit Merit … Catholic encyclopedia
Merit (Catholicism) — Merit (Latin meritum), in general, is understood to be that property of a good work which entitles the doer to receive a reward (prœmium, merces) from him in whose service the work is done. By antonomastic usage, the word has come to designate… … Wikipedia
congruity — /keuhn grooh i tee, kon , keuhng , kong /, n., pl. congruities. 1. the state or quality of being congruous; harmony; appropriateness: a congruity of ideas. 2. the state or quality of being geometrically congruent. 3. a point of agreement. 4.… … Universalium
Заслуга — 1) ♦ (ENG merit) (лат. meritum от mereri заслужить) цена или ценность акта послушания, а в широком смысле то, что заслуживает лицо, совершающее тот или иной поступок. Теологически воззрение протестантских реформаторов, к рые отрицали, что… … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов