- congius
- con·gi·us
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Congius — Con gi*us, n. [L.] 1. (Roman Antiq.) A liquid measure containing about three quarts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) A gallon, or four quarts. [Often abbreviated to {cong.}] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Congius — (röm. Ant.), Maß für Flüssigkeiten, faßte 6 Sextarii od. 72 Cyathi u. war = 33/5 Dresdner Kannen; 8 Congii = 1 Amphora … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Congĭus — (lat.), altröm. Flüssigkeitsmaß, = 3,283 Lit., wurde eingeteilt in 6 Sextarii oder 72 Cyathi; 8 Congii = 1 Amphora … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Congius — Congĭus, altröm. Hohlmaß = 1/8 Amphora = 3,28 l … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
congius — [kän′jē əs] n. pl. congii [kän′jēī΄] [ME < L < Gr konchos, a measure, orig., CONCH] an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure equal to a little less than seven pints … English World dictionary
Congius — In Ancient Roman measurement, congius (from Greek konkhion, diminutive of konkhē, konkhos, shellful [1]) was a liquid measure, which contained six sextarii, or the eighth part of the amphora; that is about 3.25 litres (0.86 U.S. gallons). It was… … Wikipedia
congius — a historic unit of liquid volume. The Roman congius was equal to about 3.2 liters (3.4 U.S. quarts or 2.8 British Imperial quarts); it was divided into 6 sextarii (sixths) which corresponded closely to modern pints. In the nineteenth century,… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Congius — Cọngius der, / , antikes römisches Volumenmaß; 1 Congius = 3,28 l = 1/8 Amphora. … Universal-Lexikon
Congius — Con|gi|us der; , <aus gleichbed. lat. congius> antikes röm. Hohlmaß (3, 275 l) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
congius — /kon jee euhs/, n., pl. congii / jee uy /. 1. (in prescriptions) a gallon (3.7853 liters). 2. an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure equal to about 0.8 U.S. gallon (3.2 liters). [1350 1400; ME < L, alter. of Gk konchíon, equiv. to kónch(e) CONCH … Universalium
congius — noun An ancient Roman liquid measure, being six sextarii or one eighth of an amphora; also used as a weight measure during the reign of , being the weight of that volume of water … Wiktionary