- coremium
- co·re·mi·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
coremium — /kaw ree mee euhm, koh , keuh /, n., pl. coremia / mee euh/. Mycol. the fruiting bodies of certain fungi, consisting of a loosely bound bundle of conidiophores. [1925 30; < NL < Gk kórem(a) besom, broom + ium IUM] * * * … Universalium
coremium — A sheaflike tuft of conidiophores. [G. korema, filth, refuse] * * * co·rem·i·um (kə reґme əm) synnema … Medical dictionary
coremium — … Useful english dictionary
Glossary of phytopathology — This is a glossary of some of the terms used in phytopathology.Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases. It is a multi disciplinary since prerequisites for disease development are the presence of a susceptible host species, a pathogen and… … Wikipedia
Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plants — ▪ Table Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plants* sign description examples acervulus a shallow, saucer shaped fungal structure that bears asexual spores (conidia); it is usually formed below the cuticle or epidermis of leaves, stems, and… … Universalium
КОРЕМИЯ — англ.coremium нем.Koremium; Koremium франц.corémium см. > … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник
Penicillium claviforme — Taxobox name = Penicillium image width = image caption = regnum = Fungi subregnum = Dikarya phylum = Ascomycota subphylum = Pezizomycotina classis = Eurotiomycetes subclassis = Eurotiomycetidae ordo = Eurotiales familia = Trichocomaceae genus =… … Wikipedia
Keimpilze — (Goniomci Nees v. E.), nach Sprengel 3. Ordn. der Familie der Pilze; den Uransängen der Vegetation nach sehr nahe stehend, bald nur aus einer bloßen Unterlage (Stroma), einem körnigen heller od. dunkler gefärbten Wesen, bald aus runden, innen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
synnema — syn·ne·ma (sin eґmə) a group of erect, sometimes fused conidiophores that produce conidia at or near the apex. Called also coremium … Medical dictionary
kainė — 2 kainė sf. Mt bot. Coremium … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language