

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Cynghanedd — In Welsh language poetry, Cynghanedd (Welsh pronunciation: [kəŋ̊ˈhaneð], literally harmony ) is the basic concept of sound arrangement within one line, using stress, alliteration and rhyme. The various forms of cynghanedd show up in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cynghanedd — Die Cynghanedd ([kəŋ̊ haneð]) ( Harmonie ) ist das Grundkonzept in der walisischen Dichtkunst zum Anordnen von Lauten innerhalb einer Zeile unter Benutzung von Betonung, Stabreim und Endreim. Die verschiedenen Formen der Cynghanedd werden für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cynghanedd — ▪ prosody Welsh“harmony”       Welsh poetic device. It is a complicated system of alliteration and internal rhyme, obligatory in the 24 strict metres of Welsh bardic verse. Cynghanedd had developed by the 13th century from the prosodic devices of …   Universalium

  • cynghanedd — noun /kəŋˈhænɛð/ The complex system of internal assonance, alliteration and rhyme in Welsh strict metre poetry. Only certain epithets and metaphors were authorized; themes were similarly restricted, metres fixed, and Cynghanedd, the repetitive… …   Wiktionary

  • Cynghanedd — …   Википедия

  • cynghanedd — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Кинханед — (валл. cynghanedd, дословно «созвучие, гармония»)  технический приём в валлийской поэзии, представляющий собой способ организации стиха на основе созвучий, в первую очередь аллитерационных, но также с использованием внутренней рифмы.… …   Википедия

  • Celtic literature — Introduction       the body of writings composed in Gaelic and the languages derived from it, Scottish Gaelic and Manx, and in Welsh and its sister languages, Breton and Cornish. For writings in English by Irish, Scottish, and Welsh authors, see… …   Universalium

  • Englyn — (plural englynion ) is a traditional Welsh and Cornish short poem form. It uses quantitative metres, involving the counting of syllables, and rigid patterns of rhyme and half rhyme. Each line contains a repeating pattern of consonants and accent… …   Wikipedia

  • Gerald of Wales — (c. 1146 ndash; c. 1223), also known as Gerallt Gymro in Welsh or Giraldus Cambrensis in Latin, archdeacon of Brecon, was a medieval clergyman and chronicler of his times. Born around 1146 at Manorbier Castle in Pembrokeshire, he was of mixed… …   Wikipedia

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