- dacite
- da·cite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Dacite — Aphanitic QAPF diagram denoting daci … Wikipedia
dacite — ● dacite nom féminin (de Dacie, nom propre) Roche volcanique, voisine des andésites, mais plus siliceuse. (Les laves dacitiques sont visqueuses et forment des extrusions, par exemple l aiguille de la montagne Pelée.) dacite [dasit] n. f. ÉTYM.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dacite — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is light in color and contains 62% to 69% silica and moderate a mounts of sodium and potassium. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A generally light colored, relatively… … Glossary of volcanic terms
Dacite — Le dôme du volcan Saint Helens est constitué de dacite. La dacite est une roche magmatique volcanique microlithique composée de quartz, de plagioclase, de verre et de minéraux ferromagnésiens : biotite, hornblende ou pyroxène. Le nom … Wikipédia en Français
dacite — da·cite (dāʹsīt ) n. A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica, similar in appearance to rhyolite. [After Dacia.] * * * ▪ mineral volcanic rock that may be considered a… … Universalium
dacite — noun An igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content … Wiktionary
dacite — da·cì·te s.f. TS petr. roccia vulcanica cristallina formata da plagioclasio e quarzo, con biotite, orneblenda e pirosseno {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1955. ETIMO: der. di Dacia, v. anche dacico, con 2 ite … Dizionario italiano
dacite — pl.f. daciti … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
dacite — [ deɪsʌɪt] noun Geology a volcanic rock resembling andesite but containing free quartz. Derivatives dacitic adjective Origin C18: from the name of the ancient Roman province of Dacia in SE Europe (as the rock was first found in the Carpathian… … English new terms dictionary
dacite — noun a grey volcanic rock containing plagioclase and quartz and other crystalline minerals • Derivationally related forms: ↑dacitic • Hypernyms: ↑volcanic rock • Substance Meronyms: ↑plagioclase, ↑oligoclase … Useful english dictionary