

English syllables. 2014.

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  • DARSHAN — (Heb. דַּרְשָׁן), a professional or qualified expounder of Scripture. Originally a darshan expounded both halakhically and aggadically on all Scripture. ben zoma , called the last of the darshanim (Sot. 9:15), is mentioned in one passage as a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Darshan — oder Darshana (Sanskrit, n., दर्शन, darśana, für Betrachtung, Beobachtung, Zusammentreffen, Philosophie; von drish sehen) ist ein Begriff aus dem Hinduismus für die Sicht und Vision des Heiligen und Göttlichen. Unter Darshana wird z. B. das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • darshan —    Darshan is from the Sanskrit root drish, “to see.” It refers to a most important element of Hindu ism the eye to eye contact between an iconic divinity (see ICONS) or a divine personage (e.g., AMRITANANDAMAYI MA, SAT YA SAI BABA) and the… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • darshan — [där′shən, dʉr′shən] n. [Hindi darśan < Sans dars̍ana, a seeing, akin to dŕs̍, sight < IE base * derk̑ , to see > Gr derkomai, I see, OE torht, bright] the virtue, uplift, blessing, etc. which, many Hindus believe, one gets in the… …   English World dictionary

  • Darshan —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Le Darshan.  Mata Amritanandamayi se préparant à donner le Darshan Le darshan ou darshana (du sanscrit दर्शन …   Wikipédia en Français

  • darshan — /dahr sheuhn/; Seph. Heb. /dahrdd shahn /; Ashk. Heb. /dahrdd sheuhn/, n., pl. darshanim Seph. Heb. /dahrdd shah neem /; Ashk. Heb. /dahrdd shaw nim/, darshans. Judaism. a preacher or teacher of Aggadah or Halakhah in a synagogue. [1915 20; < Heb …   Universalium

  • darshan — I. /ˈdaʃən/ (say dahshuhn) noun (plural darshanim or darshans) (in Judaism) a teacher of the Aggadah (parables and stories) or Halakhah (tradition and oral law) in the synagogue. {Hebrew darshān, related to dārash to interpret, expound} II.… …  

  • darshan — ● darshana ou darshan nom masculin (sanskrit darśana) Dans la religion hindoue, vision par le fidèle d une divinité, d une personne ou d un objet auspicieux (représentation divine, idole, gourou, etc.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Darshan Singh Canadian — (aka Darshan A. Sangha) (1917, Langeri, Punjab, India – September 25, 1986) was a Sikh trade union activist and Communist organizer in Canada and India. Contents 1 Canada 2 Return to India 3 Assassination …   Wikipedia

  • Darshan Jariwala — (born September 29, 1957) is a Gujarati film, television and stage actor. He won the National Film Award for Best Supporting Actor for Gandhi, My Father.[1] He currently stars in the show Saas Bina Sasural which airs on Sony TV as Chhedilal… …   Wikipedia

  • Darshan Kang — spoke at a Liberal Party of Canada rally for the 2008 federal election Darshan Kang is a current provincial level politician and serves as the Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Calgary McCall. Prior to his political career he was… …   Wikipedia

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