

English syllables. 2014.

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  • decathlete — [di kath′lēt΄] n. [< DECATHLON + ATHLETE] a participant in a decathlon …   English World dictionary

  • decathlete — dešimtkovininkas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Lengvosios atletikos dešimtkovės sportininkas, nuolat dalyvaujantis varžybose. atitikmenys: angl. decathlete vok. Zehnkämpfer, m rus. десятиборец …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • decathlete — decathlon ► NOUN ▪ an athletic event in which each competitor takes part in the same ten events. DERIVATIVES decathlete noun. ORIGIN from Greek deka ten + athlon contest …   English terms dictionary

  • DecAthlete (video game) — DecAthlete Developer(s) Sega Publisher(s) Sega …   Wikipedia

  • decathlete — noun Etymology: blend of decathlon and athlete Date: 1968 an athlete who competes in the decathlon …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • decathlete — /di kath leet/, n. an athlete who takes part in or trains chiefly for a decathlon. [1965 70; b. DECATHLON and ATHLETE] * * * …   Universalium

  • decathlete — noun an athlete who competes in a decathlon …   Wiktionary

  • decathlete — de•cath•lete [[t]dɪˈkæθ lit[/t]] n. spo an athlete who takes part in a decathlon • Etymology: 1965–70; b. decathlon and athlete …   From formal English to slang

  • decathlete — /dɛˈkæθlit/ (say de kathleet), /dəˈkæθlit/ (say duh kathleet) noun an athlete who specialises in the decathlon. {blend of decathlon and athlete} …  

  • decathlete — də̇ˈkathˌlēt noun ( s) Etymology: blend of decathlon and athlete : an athlete who competes in the decathlon …   Useful english dictionary

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