- agrid
- mele·agrid·i·dae;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Somerset coalfield — The Somerset coalfield included pits in the north Somerset, England, area where coal was mined from the 15th century until 1973.It is part of a wider field which covered northern Somerset and southern Gloucestershire in England. It stretched from … Wikipedia
Grade I listed buildings in Bristol — There are 51 Grade I listed buildings in Bristol, England.In England and Wales the authority for listing is granted by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and is presently administered by English Heritage, an agency of … Wikipedia
Grade II* listed buildings in Bristol — There are a large number of Grade II* listed buildings in Bristol England.In England and Wales the authority for listing is granted by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and is presently administered by English… … Wikipedia
Grade II listed buildings in Bristol — There are a large number of Grade II listed buildings in Bristol, UK.In England and Wales the authority for listing is granted by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and is presently administered by English Heritage,… … Wikipedia
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation — Das Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, kurz RISC (Institut für Symbolisches Rechnen) ist ein Forschungsinstitut der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Es ist im Softwarepark Hagenberg in Hagenberg im Mühlkreis, Oberösterreich,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Straßen und Plätze in Ludwigshafen/A — Straßen und Plätze in Ludwigshafen A | B | C | D | E | F | G | … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mycena epipterigya — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi … Wikipedia
dae — acan·thi·sit·ti·dae; ac·an·thu·ri·dae; acar·i·dae; ac·ci·pit·ri·dae; achet·i·dae; acras·pe·dae; acrid·i·dae; acroc·e·rat·i·dae; ac·ro·chor·di·dae; adap·i·dae; ae·ge·ri·i·dae; ae·gi·thin·i·dae; ae·gy·pi·i·dae; ae·o·lid·i·dae; aeto·bat·i·dae;… … English syllables
meleagrididae — mele·agrid·i·dae … English syllables