

English syllables. 2014.

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  • devisat vel non — ˈdevəˌsatˌvelˈnän noun Etymology: New Latin, he bequeaths or not : a written document that sets forth the questions of fact pertinent to the validity of an alleged will and is sent from a court of probate or chancery having jurisdiction to allow… …   Useful english dictionary

  • diviser — (di vi zé) v. a. 1°   Séparer par parties. Diviser un corps avec un instrument tranchant. Diviser un sermon en trois points. •   Mais parce qu elle voit avec la Bithynie Par trois sceptres conquis trop de puissance unie, Il faut la diviser, CORN …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • devisavit vel non — dev·i·sa·vit vel non /ˌde və zā vit ˌvel nän, ˌdā vē sä vit ˌvel nōn/ n [New Latin, (whether) he/she bequeaths or not]: a document that sets forth the questions of fact pertinent to the validity of an alleged will and is sent from a court of… …   Law dictionary

  • vel non — ˈvelˈnän adverb Etymology: Latin, or not : whether or not used to express a legal situation where something must be done or a given determination must be made or not with no third alternative; see devisat vel non …   Useful english dictionary

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