- dibbler
- dib·bler
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Dibbler — Dib bler, n. One who, or that which, dibbles, or makes holes in the ground for seed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dibbler — For the Discworld character, see Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler. Dibbler Conservation status … Wikipedia
Dibbler — Sprenkelbeutelmaus Sprenkelbeutelmaus (Parantechinus apicalis) nach Gould Systematik Unterklasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dibbler marsupial mouse — taškuotoji plačiapėdė sterbliapelė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Antechinus apicalis angl. Dibbler marsupial mouse; freckled antechinus; speckled marsupial mouse vok. Sprenkel Beutelmaus; Sprenkel… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
dibbler — See dibble. * * * … Universalium
dibbler — noun a) A small Australian marsupial of the genus Parantechinus (Parantechinus apicalis), somewhat reminiscent of a mouse. b) A person who uses a dibble … Wiktionary
dibbler — Mawdesley Glossary a round piece of wood sharpened at one end, used for making holes in the soil to take seeds or plants … English dialects glossary
dibbler — noun a marsupial mouse of SW Australia, now endangered. [Parantechinus apicalis.] … English new terms dictionary
dibbler — I. /ˈdɪblə / (say dibluh) noun 1. someone or something that dibbles. 2. an implement for making holes in the ground for planting seeds, bulbs, etc. Also, dibber. {dibbl(e) + er1} II. /ˈdɪblə / (say dibluh) noun a dasyurid marsupial, Parantechinus …
dibbler — ˈdib(ə)lə(r) noun ( s) : one that dibbles; especially : a machine having two wheels with long rounded projections on their rims that make spaced holes in a row for transplants … Useful english dictionary