- disamenity
- dis·amenity
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
disamenity — noun A disadvantage or drawback, especially of a location The noise and dust from the steel works created substantial disamenity for the nearby retirement home … Wiktionary
disamenity — [ˌdɪsə mi:nɪti, mɛnɪti] noun (plural disamenities) unpleasant quality or character … English new terms dictionary
disamenity — n. (pl. ies) an unpleasant feature (of a place etc.); a disadvantage … Useful english dictionary
dis|a|men|i|ty — «DIHS uh MEHN uh tee, MEE nuh », noun. British. 1. n. pl. a lack or loss of amenity; inconvenience; trouble: »Two other rapidly growing sources of disamenity…are air travel and tourism (New Scientist). 2. plural ties. a disagreeable feature or… … Useful english dictionary