- disselboom
- dis·sel·boom
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
disselboom — ˈdisəlˌbüm, ˌbōm noun ( s) Etymology: Afrikaans, from Dutch, from dissel tongue or shaft of a wagon (from Middle Dutch) + boom pole, tree, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old … Useful english dictionary
Coins of the South African pound — The coins of the South African pound were part of the physical form of South Africa s historical currency, the South African pound. Prior to the Union of 1910, various authorities issued their own pounds, some as independent entities. After the… … Wikipedia
dis|sel|boom — «DIHS uhl boom», noun. (in South Africa) the pole of a wagon, by which it is hauled: »The last two oxen are yoked to the disselboom, to which is attached a long chain, or rope of hemp; to this the other yokes are attached (Richard Cadbury).… … Useful english dictionary