- dossal
- dos·sal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
dossal — or dossel [däs′əl] n. [ML dossale, var. of dorsale < dorsalis: see DORSAL1] 1. Historical an ornamental upholstery at the back of a chair, throne, etc. 2. an ornamental cloth, as one hung behind an altar … English World dictionary
Dossal — A Dossal (or dossel, dorsel, dosel), from French dos (back), is an ecclesiastical ornamented cloth suspended behind an altar.[1] Altar screen is sometimes used as a synonym for the Dossal.[2] References ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed (1911) … Wikipedia
Dossal — Hangings of silk or other material placed at the back of the Altar as a decoration and to hide the bare wall. The dossal is used where there is no reredos and usually is of the Church color for the Festival or Season. Derived from the Latin… … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
dossal — or dorsal or dossel noun Etymology: Medieval Latin dossale, dorsale, from neuter of Late Latin dorsalis dorsal Date: 1851 an ornamental cloth hung behind and above an altar … New Collegiate Dictionary
dossal — /dos euhl/, n. 1. Also, dorsal. an ornamental hanging placed at the back of an altar or at the sides of the chancel. 2. Archaic. dosser1 (def. 2). Also, dossel. [1650 60; < ML dossale, for L dorsale, neut. of dorsalis, equiv. to dors(um) back +… … Universalium
dossal — ornamental cloth hung behind and above an altar Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
dossal — n. ornamental hanging hung behind and above the altar of a church … English contemporary dictionary
dossal — [ dɒs(ə)l] noun an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar in a church or at the sides of a chancel. Origin C17: from med. L. dossale, from late L. dorsalis (see dorsal) … English new terms dictionary
dossal — dos•sal or dos•sel [[t]ˈdɒs əl[/t]] n. rel an ornamental hanging placed at the back of an altar or at the sides of the chancel • Etymology: 1650–60; < ML dossale, for L dorsale, neut. of dorsālis, der. of dorsum back … From formal English to slang
dossal — /ˈdɒsəl/ (say dosuhl) noun 1. Also, dorsal, dorsel. an ornamental church hanging placed at the back of an altar or at the sides of the chancel. 2. Obsolete → dosser1 (def. 2). Also, dossel. {Medieval Latin dossālis for dorsālis, Latin dorsuālis… …