English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
DOVAP — ˈdōˌvap noun ( s) Etymology: Doppler velocity and position : a method of tracking long range missiles that utilizes continuous radio waves and the Doppler effect * * * /doh vap/, n. Electronics. a system for plotting the trajectory of a missile… … Useful english dictionary
DOVAP — /doh vap/, n. Electronics. a system for plotting the trajectory of a missile or other rapidly moving long range object by means of the Doppler effect exhibited by radio waves bounced off the object. Cf. Doppler radar. [Do(ppler) V(elocity) a(nd)… … Universalium
DOVAP — Doppler Velocity and Position (Radar) ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
DOVAP — Doppler Velocity and Position (Radar) ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z
DOVAP — /ˈdoʊvæp/ (say dohvap) noun a system for tracking spacecraft, missiles, etc., using the Doppler effect. {Do(ppler) V(elocity) a(nd) P(osition)} …
do|vap — «DOH vap», noun. a method for determining the velocity and position of a moving object, especially a missile, rocket, or aircraft, by means of radio signals which are sent out in a certain frequency, received and returned by the moving object,… … Useful english dictionary
UDOP — The UDOP (UHF Doppler) multistatic radar and multiradar system (MSRS) utilizes Doppler radar for missile tracking and trajectory measurement. A target is illuminated at 450 MHz. Five receiving stations, located along the baselines with the… … Wikipedia
Doppler radar — Electronics. a radar tracking system that determines the velocity of a moving object by measuring the Doppler shift of the frequency of a radar signal reflected by the object. Cf. DOVAP. [1955 60] * * * … Universalium
beat-beat — «BEET BEET», noun. Aerospace. dovap … Useful english dictionary