- alecithal
- alec·i·thal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Alecithal — A*lec i*thal, a. [Gr. a priv. + ? yelk.] (Biol.) Applied to those ova which segment uniformly, and which have little or no food yelk embedded in their protoplasm. Balfour. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
alecithal — eggs with little or no yolk … Dictionary of ichthyology
alecithal — /ay les euh theuhl/, adj. Embryol. having little or no yolk in the cytoplasm of the egg or ovum. Also, alecithic /ay leuh sith ik/. [1875 80; A 6 + Gk lékith(os) yolk + AL1] * * * … Universalium
alecithal — Without yolk; denoting ova with little or no deutoplasm. [G. a priv. + lekithos, yolk] * * * alec·i·thal ( )ā les ə thəl adj of an egg ISOLECITHAL * * * alec·i·thal (a lesґĭ thəl) [a 1 + lecith + al1] without yolk; applied to eggs with… … Medical dictionary
alecithal — adj. having no yolk in the cytoplasm of the egg or ovum (Embryology) … English contemporary dictionary
alecithal — … Useful english dictionary
Egg cleavage — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
regular segmentation — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Segmentation — Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation cavity} (Biol … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Segmentation cavity — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English