- electrodeless
- elec·trode·less
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Electrodeless plasma excitation — methods include helicon plasma sources, inductively coupled plasmas, and surface wave sustained discharges.Electrodeless high frequency discharges (HF) have two important advantages over plasmas using electrodes, like capacitively coupled plasmas … Wikipedia
Electrodeless lamp — In contrast with all other electrical lamps that use electrical connections through the lamp envelope to transfer power to the lamp, in electrodeless lamps the power needed to generate light is transferred from the outside of the lamp envelope by … Wikipedia
Electrodeless plasma thruster — The electrodeless plasma thruster is a spacecraft propulsion engine. It was created by Mr. Gregory Emsellem based on technology developed by French Atomic Energy Commission scientist Dr Richard Geller and Dr. Terenzio Consoli, for high speed… … Wikipedia
electrodeless discharge — beelektrodis išlydis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electrodeless discharge vok. elektrodenlose Entladung, f rus. безэлектродный разряд, m pranc. décharge sans électrodes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Electrodeless plating — Бестоковое осаждение (металла), химическое осаждение … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
electrodeless plating — /əlɛktroʊdləs ˈpleɪtɪŋ/ (say uhlektrohdluhs playting), /i / (say ee ) noun an immersion plating process in which a chemical reducing agent changes metal ions to metal …
electrodeless discharge — ə̇]ˈlekˌtrōdlə̇s , ē] noun : a discharge produced in the neighborhood of a high frequency alternating current under certain conditions through a gas contained in a closed tube without electrodes … Useful english dictionary
Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket — Artist s impression of several VASIMR engines propelling a craft through space The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) is an electro magnetic thruster for spacecraft propulsion. It uses radio waves to ionize and heat a… … Wikipedia
Sulfur lamp — The sulfur lamp (also sulphur lamp) is a highly efficient full spectrum electrodeless lighting system whose light is generated by sulfur plasma that has been excited by microwave radiation. The technology was developed in the early 1990s, but,… … Wikipedia
Ion thruster — An ion thruster is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion that creates thrust by accelerating ions. Ion thrusters are characterized by how they accelerate the ions, using either electrostatic or electromagnetic force.… … Wikipedia