- electrophoretogram
- elec·tro·pho·reto·gram
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Electrophoretogram — An electrophoretogram is the result of an electrophoresis, which gives the movement of charged particles over time in a gel, paper or another medium.Referencesee also*DNA electrophoresis, an analytical technique used to separate DNA fragments by… … Wikipedia
electrophoretogram — noun Etymology: electrophoretic + o + gram Date: 1954 a record that consists of the separated components of a mixture (as of proteins) produced by electrophoresis in a supporting medium (as filter paper) … New Collegiate Dictionary
electrophoretogram — Result of a zone electrophoresis separation or the analytical record of such a separation … Dictionary of molecular biology
electrophoretogram — e·lec·tro·pho·ret·o·gram (ĭ lĕk trō fə rĕtʹə grăm ) n. A record of the results of an electrophoresis, such as a filter paper on which the components of a mixture are deposited as they migrate under the influence of an electric field. … … Universalium
electrophoretogram — SYN: electropherogram. * * * elec·tro·pho·reto·gram fə ret ə .gram n a record that consists of the separated components of a mixture (as of proteins) produced by electrophoresis in a supporting medium (as filter paper) * * *… … Medical dictionary
electrophoretogram — … Useful english dictionary
electropherogram — The densitometric or colorimetric pattern obtained from filter paper or similar porous strips on which substances have been separated by electrophoresis; may also refer to the strips themselves. SYN: electrophoretogram, ionogram, ionopherogram. * … Medical dictionary
electropherogram — noun Etymology: electr + phero (from Greek pherein to carry) + gram Date: 1951 electrophoretogram … New Collegiate Dictionary
fingerprint — noun Date: 1859 1. the impression of a fingertip on any surface; also an ink impression of the lines upon the fingertip taken for the purpose of identification 2. something that identifies: as a. a trait, trace, or characteristic revealing origin … New Collegiate Dictionary
Electrophoresis — is the most well known electrokinetic phenomenon. It was discovered by Reuss in 1809. [Reuss, F.F. Mem.Soc.Imperiale Naturalistes de Moscow , 2, 327 1809] He observed that clay particles dispersed in water migrate under influence of an applied… … Wikipedia