- elkesaite
- el·ke·saite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Elkesaite — ▪ Jewish sect also spelled Elkasaite, member of a Jewish sect that arose in the vicinity of Trans Jordanic Palestine around 100 AD. The sect was most noted for its practice of ritual baptism. Named after either a visionary leader named… … Universalium
elkesaite — ˈelkəˌsīt; ˌelkəˈsāˌīt, ˈsīˌīt noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Elkesai, semilegendary author of a 2d or 3d century work of religious inspiration + English ite : a member of an Ebionite sect in whose system magic and astrology… … Useful english dictionary
Cologne Mani-Codex — The Cologne Mani Codex (Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis) is a minute[1] papyrus codex, dated on paleographical evidence to the fifth century CE, found near Asyut (the ancient Lycopolis), Egypt; it contains a Greek text describing the life of Mani,… … Wikipedia