

English syllables. 2014.

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  • algetic — /al jet ik/, adj. Med. pertaining to or causing pain; painful. [1875 80; < Gk alge (s. of algeîn to suffer pain) + TIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • algetic — SYN: algesic. * * * al·get·ic al jet ik adj relating to or causing pain …   Medical dictionary

  • algetic — adj. painful; pertaining to pain …   English contemporary dictionary

  • algetic — alˈjed.ik adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary alg + etic : relating to or causing pain …   Useful english dictionary

  • algesia — SYN: algesthesia. [G. algesis, a sense of pain] * * * al·ge·sia al jē zē ə, jē zhə n sensitivity to pain al·ge·sic jē zik, sik adj * * * al·ge·sia (al jeґze ə) 1. nociception. 2. excessive sensitivity to pain, a type of hyperesthesia.… …   Medical dictionary

  • algesic — 1. Painful; related to or causing pain. 2. Relating to hypersensitivity to pain. SYN: algetic …   Medical dictionary

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