- enantiotropic
- en·an·ti·o·trop·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
enantiotropic — adjective Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting enantiotropism … Wiktionary
enantiotropic — ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|träpik adjective Etymology: enantio + tropic : of, relating to, or exhibiting enantiotropy * * * enantiōtropˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑enantiotropy … Useful english dictionary
enantiotropy — enantiotropic /i nan tee euh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. /i nan tee o treuh pee/, n. Crystall. polymorphism in which one of the polymorphs may revert to the state of the other at a critical temperature and pressure. Cf. monotropy. [ < G… … Universalium
allotropy — /euh lo treuh pee/, n. Chem. a property of certain elements, as carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus, of existing in two or more distinct forms; allomorphism. Also, allotropism. [1840 50; ALLO + TROPY] * * * ▪ chemistry the existence of a… … Universalium
Polymorphism (materials science) — Polymorphism in materials science is the ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure. Polymorphism can potentially be found in any crystalline material including polymers, minerals, and metals, and is related… … Wikipedia
enantiotropy — /ɛnæntiˈɒtrəpi/ (say enantee otruhpee) noun the property of certain substances which exist in two crystalline forms, one being stable below a certain temperature, the other above it. –enantiotropic /ɛˌnæntiəˈtrɒpɪk/ (say e.nanteeuh tropik),… …
-tropic — comb. form 1 = TROPHIC. 2 turning towards (heliotropic). * * * .|träpik, pēk, in some words rōp adjective combining form Etymology: French tropique, from trope (I) + ique ic 1. : turning, changing, or tending to turn or change especially in a ( … Useful english dictionary