- encopresis
- en·cop·re·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Encopresis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 R15 F98.1 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
encopresis — f. psicol. Incapacidad para contener las heces en los niños que padecen algún tipo de trastorno psicológico. El tratamiento psicoterápico suele combinarse con la toma de medicamentos neurolépticos. Medical Dictionary. 2011. encopresis … Diccionario médico
Encopresis — Inability to control the elimination of stool (fecal incontinence). Encopresis can have a variety of causes, including inability to control the anal sphincter muscle or gastrointestinal problems, particularly chronic diarrhea and Crohn’s disease … Medical dictionary
encopresis — n. incontinence of faeces. The term is used for faecal soiling in a child who has gained bowel control but passes formed stools in unacceptable places. The underlying problem is behavioural and treatment is difficult, often requiring the input of … The new mediacal dictionary
encopresis — {{#}}{{LM E43283}}{{〓}} {{[}}encopresis{{]}} ‹en·co·pre·sis› {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} {{♂}}En medicina,{{♀}} incapacidad de controlar la expulsión de las heces … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Encopresis infantil — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Encopresis infantil Clasificación y recursos externos Aviso médico CIE 10 … Wikipedia Español
encopresis — encopretic /en keuh pret ik/, adj. /en keuh pree sis/, n., pl. encopreses / seez/. Psychiatry. involuntary defecation. [ < NL < Gk en EN 2 + kópr(os) dung + esis, as in ENURESIS] * * * … Universalium
encopresis — noun fecal incontinence in children … Wiktionary
encopresis — n. unintentional excretion of feces … English contemporary dictionary
encopresis — [ˌɛnkəʊ pri:sɪs] noun Medicine involuntary defecation, especially associated with emotional or psychiatric disorder. Origin mod. L., from Gk en in + kopros dung … English new terms dictionary