- encrypted
- un·encrypted;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
encrypted — a. converted into a coded form that cannot be interpreted without knowing the secret method for interpretation, called the key; of messages or other forms of information. Syn: encoded, coded, enciphered, ciphered, cyphered, written in code.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
encrypted — See encryption. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 … Law dictionary
encrypted — adjective Describing something that is in code. The encrypted text was unreadable … Wiktionary
encrypted — adj. Encrypted is used with these nouns: ↑message … Collocations dictionary
Encrypted Key Transport — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Encrypted Key Transport o EKT es una extensión a SRTP que cumple el framework de SRTP y reduce la cantidad de señalización de control necesaria en una sesión SRTP. Distribuye de manera segura la clave SRTP maestra y… … Wikipedia Español
Encrypted key exchange — (also known as EKE) is a family of password authenticated key agreement methods described by Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt. [cite conference|author=S. M. Bellovin|coauthors=M. Merritt|title=Encrypted Key Exchange: Password Based… … Wikipedia
Encrypted filesystem — can mean:* A filesystem with filesystem level encryption support * A filesystem that resides on an encrypted disk or partition, see full disk encryption * Encrypting File System (EFS), the encryption subsystem of NTFS … Wikipedia
Encrypted Key Transport — or EKT is an extension to SRTP that fits within the SRTP framework and reduces the amount of signaling control that is needed in an SRTP session. EKT securely distributes the SRTP master key and other information for each SRTP source, using SRTCP … Wikipedia
Encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol — (RTMPE ou RTMPTE) est un protocole propriétaire, développé par Macromedia[Quand ?], pour diffuser de la vidéo de façon chiffrée. Ce protocole permet de sécuriser le transfert de données sans SSL. Il est implémenté dans Flash Player 9.0.115… … Wikipédia en Français
Encrypted function — An encrypted function is an attempt to provide mobile code privacy without providing any tamper resistant hardware. It is a method where in mobile code can carry out cryptographic primitives even though the code is executed in untrusted… … Wikipedia