- endorsee
- en·dors·ee
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
endorsee — en‧dor‧see [ɪnˌdɔːˈsiː, ˌendɔːˈsiː ǁ ˌendɔːrˈsi] noun [countable] BANKING the person who will benefit from a cheque, bill of exchange etc when it is endorsed: • Unfortunately, the endorser became insolvent before the endorsee had taken possession … Financial and business terms
endorsee — en·dors·ee also in·dors·ee /in ˌdȯr sē, ˌen / n: one to whom something is endorsed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. endorsee … Law dictionary
Endorsee — En dor*see , n. Same as {Indorsee}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endorsee — [en΄dôr sē′] n. the person to whom a check, note, etc. is made over by endorsement … English World dictionary
endorsee — indosatas statusas Aprobuotas sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Asmuo, kurio naudai sandėliavimo dokumento antrojoje pusėje arba jo tęsinyje daromas perduodamasis įrašas. atitikmenys: angl. endorsee vok. Indossat, m rus. индоссатор šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
endorsee — endorse (US & Law also indorse) ► VERB 1) declare one s public approval of. 2) sign (a cheque or bill of exchange) on the back to specify another as the payee or to accept responsibility for paying it. 3) Brit. enter an endorsement on (a driving… … English terms dictionary
endorsee — noun see endorse … New Collegiate Dictionary
endorsee — /en dawr see , en dawr , en dawr see/, n. 1. a person to whom a negotiable document is endorsed. 2. a candidate or applicant who is endorsed by a person or group. Also, indorsee. [1760 70; ENDORSE + EE] * * * … Universalium
endorsee — noun The person to whom something is transferred by endorsement … Wiktionary
endorsee — en·dor·see || ‚endÉ”Ë siË n. one to whom a check or other bill is endorsed (also indorsee) … English contemporary dictionary