- esselen
- es·se·len
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Esselen — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Distribución de los esselen Los esselen fueron habitantes nativos de los Estados Unidos, en lo que actualmente se llama Big Sur, en la costa central de California. Las evidencias arqueológicas y lingüísticas indican… … Wikipedia Español
Esselen — Extinction XIX siècle Parlée aux États Unis Région … Wikipédia en Français
Esselen — The Esselen were a Native American linguistic group in the hypothetical Hokan language family, who resided in what is now known as Big Sur in the Monterey Bay Area, California. Archaeological and linguistic evidence indicates that the original… … Wikipedia
Esselen — noun 1. a member of a North American Indian people living on the California coast near Monterey • Hypernyms: ↑Hokan, ↑Hoka 2. the Hokan language spoken by the Esselen • Hypernyms: ↑Hokan, ↑Hoka * * * ˈesələn noun … Useful english dictionary
Esselen — This unusual surname is German and medieval. It is locational, and describes a former inhabitant of the town of Essel, in the state of Hannover, Germany. Recorded in its native land in many spelling forms including Asel, Assel, Esel, Essel,… … Surnames reference
Esselen language — language name=Esselen nativename=Huelel |familycolor=Isolate states=USA region=Big Sur (California) speakers=Extinct fam1=Language isolate iso1=|iso2=nai|iso3=esqEsselen (Esselen: Huelel) is a language isolate that was spoken by the Esselen… … Wikipedia
Esselen — noun a) An indigenous population native to the region of Big Sur on the Central Coast of California. b) The language of this people … Wiktionary
Esselen — ISO 639 3 Code : esq ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Extinct … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
Idioma esselen — Esselen Huelel Hablado en Estados Unidos Hablantes extinto (†) Familia … Wikipedia Español
Christian Esselen — (* 1823 in Hamm; † 15. Mai 1859 in New York City) war demokratisch gesinnter Publizist, Revolutionär von 1848/49 und als Forty Eighters Emigrant in den USA. Leben Er studierte in Bonn und Berlin. Als Einjährig Freiwilliger leistete er 1846 seinen … Deutsch Wikipedia