

English syllables. 2014.

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  • allotransplant — /al oh trans plant , plahnt /, n. allograft. [1965 70; ALLO + TRANSPLANT] * * * …   Universalium

  • allotransplant — noun An allograft. See Also: allotransplanted, allotransplantation …   Wiktionary

  • allotransplant — al·lo·trans·plant .al ō tran(t)s plant vt to transplant between genetically different individuals al·lo·trans·plant tran(t)s . n al·lo·trans·plan·ta·tion .tran(t)s .plan tā shən n …   Medical dictionary

  • allotransplant — al•lo•trans•plant [[t]ˌæl oʊˈtrænsˌplænt, ˌplɑnt[/t]] n. srg allograft • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • allotransplant — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Penis transplantation — is a surgical transplant procedure in which a penis is transplanted to a patient. The penis may be an allograft from a human donor, or it may be grown artificially, though the latter is untested in humans. Peripheral transplant procedures such as …   Wikipedia

  • allotransplantation — See allotransplant. * * * …   Universalium

  • allograft — /al euh graft , grahft /, n. Surg. a tissue or organ obtained from one member of a species and grafted to a genetically dissimilar member of the same species. Also called allotransplant, homograft, homotransplant. Cf. autograft, syngraft,… …   Universalium

  • allotransplantation — noun transplantation of organs or tissues between genetically different individuals of the same species See Also: allotransplant …   Wiktionary

  • allotransplantation — noun see allotransplant …   Useful english dictionary

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