- fawningness
- fawn·ing·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
fawningness — noun see fawning … Useful english dictionary
fawn — fawn1 fawnlike, adj. /fawn/, n. 1. a young deer, esp. an unweaned one. 2. a light yellowish brown color. adj. 3. light yellowish brown. v.i. 4. (of a doe) to bring forth young. [1225 75; ME fawn, foun < MF faon, foun, feon VL *feton , s. of *feto … Universalium
fawning — adj 1. servile, slavish, obsequious, Obs. obsequent, subservient, menial, Obs., Rare. vernile; submissive, docile, unassertive, compliant, acquiescent, deferential, Tomish, Uncle Tomish, tractable, mealy mouthed; groveling, crawling, creeping,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
flattery — n 1. compliment, salute, praise, laudation; tribute, extolment, exaltation, celebration, glorification; eulogy, eulogium, eulogization, encomium, panegyric, adulation; trumpetry, crying up, ringing or singing [s.o. s] praises, puffery, puffing up … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
flummery — n 1. oatmeal, gruel, U.S. mush, hot cereal, Chiefly Brit. porridge, farina; fruit custard, blancmange, white pudding. 2. nonsense, moonshine, gobbledegook; foolish humbug, bunkum or buncombe, Sl. bunk, U.S. Sl. blah; balderdash, Inf. hokum, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
parasitism — n 1. bloodsucking, dependency, dependence; Sl. sponging, Sl. mooching, Inf. freeloading, Inf. panhandling. 2. sycophancy, sycophantism, toadyism, tufthunt ing, fawningness, flattery; truckling, Sl. falling all over, Inf. honeying, Inf. buttering … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder