FECT — fibroelastic connective tissue … Medical dictionary
FECT — fecerunt titulum, fecit … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
FECT — • fibroelastic connective tissue … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
fect — … Useful english dictionary
un´af|fect´ed|ness — un|af|fect|ed1 «UHN uh FEHK tihd», adjective. not affected; not influenced; unchanged: »Many of these birds seem unaffected by climate (Alfred R. Wallace). SYNONYM(S): unmoved, unimpressed. ╂[< un 1 + affected1] –un´af|fect´ed|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
un´af|fect´ed|ly — un|af|fect|ed1 «UHN uh FEHK tihd», adjective. not affected; not influenced; unchanged: »Many of these birds seem unaffected by climate (Alfred R. Wallace). SYNONYM(S): unmoved, unimpressed. ╂[< un 1 + affected1] –un´af|fect´ed|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
un|af|fect|ed — un|af|fect|ed1 «UHN uh FEHK tihd», adjective. not affected; not influenced; unchanged: »Many of these birds seem unaffected by climate (Alfred R. Wallace). SYNONYM(S): unmoved, unimpressed. ╂[< un 1 + affected1] –un´af|fect´ed|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
af|fect´ed|ness — af|fect|ed1 «uh FEHK tihd», adjective. 1. acted on; influenced: »Everyone felt affected by the war. 2. influenced injuriously: »She froze her feet and the affected toes were numb. 3. moved in feeling; stirred up. 4. inclined … Useful english dictionary
af|fect´ed|ly — af|fect|ed1 «uh FEHK tihd», adjective. 1. acted on; influenced: »Everyone felt affected by the war. 2. influenced injuriously: »She froze her feet and the affected toes were numb. 3. moved in feeling; stirred up. 4. inclined … Useful english dictionary
af|fect|ed — af|fect|ed1 «uh FEHK tihd», adjective. 1. acted on; influenced: »Everyone felt affected by the war. 2. influenced injuriously: »She froze her feet and the affected toes were numb. 3. moved in feeling; stirred up. 4. inclined … Useful english dictionary