- ferrocolumbium
- fer·ro·columbium
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ferrocolumbium — |fe(ˌ)rō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from ferro + columbium : a crude alloy of iron and niobium used chiefly to add niobium to steel … Useful english dictionary
Ferroalloy — refers to various alloys of iron with a high proportion of one or more other element, manganese or silicon for example. It is used in the production of steels and alloys as a raw material.The main ferroalloys are: *FeMn ferromanganese *FeCr… … Wikipedia
ferroalloy — /fer oh al oy, euh loy /, n. an alloy of iron with some element other than carbon, used to introduce the element in the manufacture of steel. [1900 05; FERRO + ALLOY] * * * Alloy of iron (less than 50%) and one or more other metals, important as… … Universalium