

English syllables. 2014.

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  • fertilizability — ˌfər]d.əlˌīzəˈbiləd.ē, ˌfə̄], ˌfəi], ]təl , bilətē, i noun ( es) : capability of being fertilized; specifically : the period in the life of an egg during which it is able to participate effectively in fertilization the length of life of an egg… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Whaling in Japan — Japan has a long history of whaling. However, current whaling conducted by Japan is a source of political dispute between pro and anti whaling countries and organizations. HistoryThe oldest written mention of whaling in Japanese records is from… …   Wikipedia

  • fertilize — fertilizable, adj. fertilizability, n. /ferr tl uyz /, v.t., fertilized, fertilizing. 1. Biol. a. to render (the female gamete) capable of development by uniting it with the male gamete. b. to fecundate or impregnate (an animal or plant). 2. to… …   Universalium

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