- fichteanism
- fich·te·an·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
fichteanism — ˌnizəm noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized : a post Kantian idealist philosophy in which an attempt is made to perfect the Kantian system by connecting practical reason with pure reason through deducing a priori from the ego not only the… … Useful english dictionary
Fichtean — Fichteanism, n. /fik tee euhn, fikh /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling the philosophy of Johann Fichte. n. 2. an adherent or advocate of this philosophy. [1810 20; FICHTE + AN] * * * … Universalium
atomism — Synonyms and related words: Aristotelianism, Berkeleianism, Bohr theory, Bradleianism, Cynicism, Cyrenaic hedonism, Cyrenaicism, Dirac theory, Epicureanism, Fichteanism, Hegelianism, Heideggerianism, Heracliteanism, Herbartianism, Humism,… … Moby Thesaurus
philosophy — Synonyms and related words: Aristotelianism, Berkeleianism, Bradleianism, Buddha like composure, Cynicism, Cyrenaic hedonism, Cyrenaicism, Epicureanism, Fichteanism, Hegelianism, Heideggerianism, Heracliteanism, Herbartianism, Humism, Kantianism … Moby Thesaurus
subjective idealism — noun 1. : the theory that nature does not have any real existence independent of perceiving minds : berkeleianism 2. : the doctrine that an absolute ego dialectically evolves the world : fichteanism contrasted with objective idealism * * *… … Useful english dictionary
fichtean — I. ˈfiktēən, iḵt adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Johann Gottlieb Fichte died 1814 German philosopher + English an : of or having to do with Johann Gottlieb Fichte or his idealist philosophy II. noun ( s) … Useful english dictionary