- fizzer
- fizz·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
fizzer — UK [ˈfɪzə(r)] / US [ˈfɪzər] noun [countable] Word forms fizzer : singular fizzer plural fizzers Australian informal an event that makes you feel disappointed because it is not as good as you expected … English dictionary
fizzer — noun a) something which fizzes Its probably for the best you didnt come to the birthday party on Saturday, it was a fizzer. b) a party or social gathering which turns out to be a disappointment … Wiktionary
fizzer — British an accusation of a military offence An army pun on charge: I ll put you on a fizzer! Vince shouted as he went and took over from Stan on the Minimi. (McNab, 1993 a Minimi is a gun) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Fizzer — 1. firecracker which fails to explode; 2. failure; fiasco … Dictionary of Australian slang
fizzer — I Australian Slang 1. firecracker which fails to explode; 2. failure; fiasco II North Country (Newcastle) Words a singing hinnie without spice … English dialects glossary
fizzer — n. fiasco, failure, event or happening that fails to live up to expectations; firecracker that fails to explode (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
fizzer — noun informal 1》 Brit. an outstandingly lively or excellent thing. 2》 Austral./NZ a failure or fiasco … English new terms dictionary
fizzer — I. /ˈfɪzə / (say fizuh) noun Colloquial 1. a firecracker which fails to explode. 2. a failure; fiasco. 3. a horse or, rarely, another large animal such as a bull, which is difficult to control. Also, WA, fizzog. II. /ˈfɪzə / (say fizuh) noun …
fizzer — Person or thing much admired … A concise dictionary of English slang
fizzer — zə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: fizz (I) + er : a very fast ball in cricket … Useful english dictionary