- flat-footedly
- flat-foot·ed·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
flat-footedly — adverb see flat footed I … New Collegiate Dictionary
flat-footedly — See flat footed. * * * … Universalium
flat-footedly — adverb see flat footed I … Useful english dictionary
flat-footed — [flat′foot΄id] adj. 1. having flatfoot 2. designating a manner of walking, with the toes pointed outward, as by people with flatfoot ☆ 3. Informal downright and firm; plain and uncompromising 4. Informal … Universalium
flat-footed — [flat′foot΄id] adj. 1. having flatfoot 2. designating a manner of walking, with the toes pointed outward, as by people with flatfoot ☆ 3. Informal downright and firm; plain and uncompromising 4. Informal a) awkward or clumsy b) tedious, plodding … English World dictionary
flat-footed — I. adjective Date: 1601 1. affected with flatfoot; broadly walking with a dragging or shambling gait 2. a. firm and well balanced on the feet b. free from reservation ; forthright < had an honest flat footed way of saying a thing > 3. not ready … New Collegiate Dictionary
flat-footed — /flæt ˈfʊtəd/ (say flat footuhd) adjective 1. having flat feet. 2. Colloquial clumsy and tactless. 3. Colloquial unprepared, unable to react quickly. –phrase 4. go flat footed, World War I Colloquial a. (of an airman) to travel without an… …
flat-footed — adj. 1 having flat feet. 2 colloq. downright, positive. 3 colloq. unprepared; off guard (was caught flat footed). Derivatives: flat footedly adv. flat footedness n … Useful english dictionary
flat-footed — adjective 1》 having flat feet. 2》 informal clumsy. 3》 informal unprepared; off guard. Derivatives flat footedly adverb flat footedness noun … English new terms dictionary
flat-footedness — See flat footedly. * * * … Universalium