- formazan
- form·a·zan
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Formazan — dyes are artificial chromogenic substrates for dehydrogenases and reductases. They are formed from reduction of tetrazolium salts, including INT (2 (4 Iodophenyl) 3 (4 nitrophenyl) 5 phenyl 2H tetrazolium chloride), MTT (3 (4, 5 dimethyl 2… … Wikipedia
Formazan — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
formazan — formazanas statusas T sritis chemija formulė NH₂N=CHN=NH atitikmenys: angl. formazan rus. формазан … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
formazan — ˈfȯrməˌzan noun ( s) Etymology: form + az + an : a hypothetical hydrazone HN . NCH . NNH2 related to formic acid and known only in the form of intensely colored derivatives (as triphenyl formazan) that are obtained either from hydrazones by… … Useful english dictionary
formazan — noun the organic nitrogen compound HN … Wiktionary
formazan — A water insoluble colored compound of the general structure, RNH N=CR′ N=NR″, formed by reduction of a tetrazolium salt in the histochemical demonstration of oxidative enzymes; the R s are usually phenyl groups; examples include neotetrazolium,… … Medical dictionary
Formazan — For|m|a|zan [↑ Form u. ↑ Az ], das; s, e: Gruppenbez. für Verb. der allg. Formel H2N N=CH N=NH, die einigen Farbstoffen zugrunde liegt, z. B. 1,3,5 Triphenylformazan (↑ Tetrazoliumsalz) … Universal-Lexikon
MTT assay — is a laboratory test and a standard colorimetric assay (an assay which measures changes in color) for measuring the activity of enzymes that reduce MTT to formazan, giving a purple color. This mostly happens in mitochondria, and as such it is in… … Wikipedia
Tetrazolium — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tetrazolium Salz — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia