- frankforter
- frank·fort·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
frankforter — noun see frankfurter … Useful english dictionary
Iowa archaeology — This entry is about the buried remains of human cultures in Iowa. For studies of rocks, fossils, paleontology, and soils, see Geology of Iowa. From Hunters to Farmers: Overview of Iowa PrehistoryWhen the first Native Americans arrived in what is… … Wikipedia
Twelve-step program — ] As summarized by the American Psychological Association, the process involves the following: * admitting that one cannot control one s addiction or compulsion; * recognizing a greater power that can give strength; * examining past errors with… … Wikipedia
Transtheoretical Model — The transtheoretical model of change in health psychology explains or predicts a person s success or failure in achieving a proposed behavior change, such as developing different habits. It attempts to answer why the change stuck or alternatively … Wikipedia
Contemporary worship — This article is about a form of Christian worship. For the musical genre, see Contemporary worship music. Contemporary Christian worship in a Western congregation. Contemporary worship is a form of Christian worship that emerged within Western… … Wikipedia
Friedrich Stoltze — (* 21. November 1816 in Frankfurt am Main; † 28. März 1891 ebenda) war ein Frankfurter Dichter und Schriftsteller, der vor allem durch seine Gedichte in Frankfurter Mundart bekannt wurde. Außerdem war er Verleger und Herausgeber der „Frankfurter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Karl Friedrich Lippmann — (* 27. Oktober 1883 in Offenbach am Main; † 30. Mai 1957 in Offenbach am Main) war ein deutscher Maler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Wirken 2 Einige Werke 3 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
frankfurter — /frangk feuhr teuhr/, n. a small, cooked and smoked sausage of beef or beef and pork, with or without casing; hot dog; wiener. Also, frankfort, frankforter, frankfurt. [1890 95, Amer.; < G: Frankfort sausage; see ER1] * * * ▪ sausage also called… … Universalium
Twelve-Step Program — A Twelve Step Program is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. Originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a method of recovery from alcoholism,[1]… … Wikipedia
Mummy Cave — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia