

English syllables. 2014.

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  • frisk — vt: to run the hand rapidly over the outer clothing of (a suspect) for the purpose of finding concealed weapons compare search ◇ The purpose of frisking a suspect is to insure the safety of an officer making an investigation against concealed… …   Law dictionary

  • Frisk — can refer to different things including:*Frisking is where a police officer or other law enforcement agent runs his or her hands along the outer garments to detect any concealed weapons or other contraband; *Frisk is a surname of Swedish origin,… …   Wikipedia

  • Frisk — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anders Frisk (* 1963), schwedischer Fußballschiedsrichter Hjalmar Frisk (1900–1984), schwedischer Indogermanist Johanna Frisk (* 1986), schwedische Fußballspielerin Frisk bezeichnet: Frisk (Roman), Roman… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • frisk — [ frısk ] verb 1. ) frisk or frisk down transitive to search someone with your hands in order to see if they are carrying anything illegal such as a gun or drugs: All of the passengers were frisked by the airport police. 2. ) intransitive if… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • frisk´i|ly — frisk|y «FRIHS kee», adjective, frisk|i|er, frisk|i|est. playful; lively: »The beach was teeming with people from friskmerry little children to decrepit old men just soaking up the sun. – …   Useful english dictionary

  • frisk|y — «FRIHS kee», adjective, frisk|i|er, frisk|i|est. playful; lively: »The beach was teeming with people from friskmerry little children to decrepit old men just soaking up the sun. – …   Useful english dictionary

  • frisk — • frisk, fräsch, primör • frisk, sval, kylig, skarp, bitande, färsk, fräsch • frisk, sund, kry, rapp, rask, välmående, välbehållen • blomstrande, fräsch, frisk, frodig …   Svensk synonymlexikon

  • Frisk — Frisk, a. [OF. frieque, cf. OHG. frise lively, brisk, fresh, Dan. & Sw. frisk, Icel. friskr. See {Fresh}, a.] Lively; brisk; frolicsome; frisky. [Obs.] Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frisk — (fr[i^]sk), v. t. To search (a person) for concealed weapons or other objects, by patting the clothing to detect objects underneath; as, the police pulled the car over and frisked the occupants. Syn: frisk. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frisk — [frısk] v [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: frisk full of energy (16 18 centuries), from Old French frisque] 1.) [T] to search someone for hidden weapons, drugs etc by feeling their body with your hands ▪ We were frisked at the airport can you believe… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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