- frontality
- fron·tal·i·ty
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
frontality — noun Date: 1905 1. sculpture a schematic composition of the front view that is complete without lateral movement 2. painting the depiction of an object, figure, or scene in a plane parallel to the plane of the picture surface … New Collegiate Dictionary
frontality — /frun tal i tee, fron /, n. Fine Arts. 1. the representation of the front view of figures or objects in a work of art. 2. the organization of planes parallel to the picture plane in the pictorial arts, or the composition of volumes entirely from… … Universalium
frontality — noun The quality or state of being frontal … Wiktionary
frontality — ˌfrən.ˈtaləd.ē, frän. noun ( es) 1. in sculpture : a schematic composition of the front view that is complete without lateral movement 2. in the pictorial arts : an arrangement of one or more planes parallel to the picture plane … Useful english dictionary
law of frontality — the convention of frontality (as in Egyptian art) … Useful english dictionary
art and architecture, Iranian — ▪ ancient art Introduction the art and architecture of ancient Iranian civilizations. Any reservation about attributing to Iran primary status among the countries contributing to the art of the ancient Middle East must be associated… … Universalium
Classical Hollywood cinema — Golden Hollywood (First row, left right) Greta Garbo, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Clark Gable, Katharine Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Marlon Brando, Marx Brothers, Joan Crawford (Second row, left right) Jo … Wikipedia
Kouros — A kouros (plural kouroi) is a representation of a male youth, especially those dating from the Archaic period in Greece (about 650 BC to about 500 BC) and especially plastic (artistic sense), notably free standing Greek sculpture in stone… … Wikipedia
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden — The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden is an art museum located in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall and designed by architect Gordon Bunshaft. It is part of the Smithsonian Institution. It was conceived as the United States museum of… … Wikipedia
Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… … Wikipedia