

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Frugivorous — Fru*giv o*rous, a. [L. frux, frugis, fruit + vorare to devour.: cf. F. frugivore.] Feeding on fruit, as birds and other animals. Pennant. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frugivorous — from L. frugi , stem of frux fruit, produce, related to fructus (see FRUIT (Cf. fruit)) + VOROUS (Cf. vorous) …   Etymology dictionary

  • frugivorous — [fro͞o jiv′ə rəs] adj. [< L frux (see FRUGAL) + VOROUS] fruit eating …   English World dictionary

  • frugivorous — adjective Having a diet that consists mostly of fruit; fruit eating. Although the vampire bat is known for feeding on blood, most species of bat eat insects, and many are frugivorous. See Also: frugivore …   Wiktionary

  • frugivorous — adjective Etymology: Latin frug , frux + English vorous Date: 1713 feeding on fruit • frugivore noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • frugivorous — fruit eating, e.g. certain Characidae such as Brycon spp …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • frugivorous — adj. [L. frux, fruit; vorare, to devour] Feeding upon fruit …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • frugivorous — /frooh jiv euhr euhs/, adj. fruit eating, as certain bats. [1705 15; < L frugi , comb. form of frux fruit + VOROUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • frugivorous — fru·giv·o·rous frü jiv ə rəs adj feeding on fruit * * * fru·giv·o·rous (froo jivґə rəs) fructivorous …   Medical dictionary

  • frugivorous — eating fruit Feeding and Eating …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • frugivorous — fru·giv·o·rous || fruː dʒɪvÉ™rÉ™s adj. primarily feeding on fruit (about an animal) …   English contemporary dictionary

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