- fugitate
- fu·gi·tate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
fugitate — To outlaw a person accused of crime … Ballentine's law dictionary
fugitate — ˈfyüjəˌtāt verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: fugitive (I) + ate (v. suffix) transitive verb Scots law : to declare judicially to be a fugitive from justice and thereby cause the escheat of the fugitive s movable property to the crown : outlaw … Useful english dictionary
abscond — Synonyms and related words: abandon, absquatulate, beat a retreat, bolt, bow out, break, bunk, clear out, cut and run, decamp, depart, desert, disappear, elope, evacuate, flee, fly, fugitate, go, go AWOL, jump, jump bail, leave, levant, make off … Moby Thesaurus
absquatulate — Synonyms and related words: abscond, beat a retreat, bolt, clear out, cut and run, decamp, depart, desert, dog it, elope, flee, fly, fugitate, go AWOL, jump, jump bail, lam, levant, make off, powder, run, run away, run away from, run away with,… … Moby Thesaurus
ban — Synonyms and related words: Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition Party, Volstead Act, abscind, amputate, anathema, annihilate, banish, banishment, bar, bar out, barring, blackball, blackballing, blacklist, blasphemy, blockade, bob, boycott,… … Moby Thesaurus
banish — Synonyms and related words: ban, blackball, blacklist, boycott, bump, can, cashier, cast out, cut, debar, deport, discharge, disfellowship, dismiss, displace, drive away, drive out, eject, evict, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel,… … Moby Thesaurus
blackball — Synonyms and related words: ban, banish, banishment, blackballing, blacklist, boycott, boycottage, cast out, categorically reject, complaint, cut, deport, dim view, disagreement, disallow, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove,… … Moby Thesaurus
bolt — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Irish confetti, Jupiter Fulgur, Thor, abscond, absence without leave, absquatulate, absquatulation, apostacize, apostasy, apostatize, arrow, arrowhead, articulate, assort, attach, backsliding, bale … Moby Thesaurus
cast out — Synonyms and related words: abrupt, abstract, alienate, ban, banish, bicker, blackball, boot out, bounce, cast, cast off, caterwaul, chuck, chuck out, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, cut, cut adrift, cut off, cut out, defenestrate … Moby Thesaurus
clear out — Synonyms and related words: abscond, absquatulate, abstract, be off, beat a retreat, beat it, begone, bleach, blow, blow out, bolt, bowdlerize, cast off, cast out, chuck, clean, clean out, clean up, cleanse, clear, clear away, clear off, clear… … Moby Thesaurus