- fumingly
- fum·ing·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Fumingly — Fum ing*ly, adv. In a fuming manner; angrily. They answer fumingly. Hooker. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fumingly — adverb Etymology: fuming (present participle of fume) (II) + ly : in a fuming manner : angrily exclaimed fumingly that he was not accustomed to such treatment … Useful english dictionary
fumingly — adverb In a rage … Wiktionary
fume — fumeless, adj. fumelike, adj. fumer, n. fumingly, adv. /fyoohm/, n., v., fumed, fuming. n. 1. Often, fumes. any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances, esp. of an odorous or harmful nature: tobacco fumes; noxious fumes of… … Universalium
fume — noun a gas or vapour that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale. verb 1》 emit fumes. 2》 [usu. as adjective fumed] expose (something, especially wood) to ammonia fumes in order to produce dark tints. 3》 feel great anger. Derivatives fuming… … English new terms dictionary
fume — /fjum / (say fyoohm) noun 1. (often plural) any smoke like or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances. –verb (fumed, fuming) –verb (t) 2. to send forth as fumes. 3. to disperse or drive away in vapours; send up as vapour. 4. to treat with… …
fume — [fyo͞om] n. [ME < OFr fum < L fumus < IE base * dheu , to blow, smoke, be turbid > DULL] 1. [often pl.] a gas, smoke, or vapor, esp. if offensive or suffocating 2. [sometimes pl.] anything imaginary or without substance 3. [pl.] Rare… … English World dictionary
fume — n. & v. n. 1 (usu. in pl.) exuded gas or smoke or vapour, esp. when harmful or unpleasant. 2 a fit of anger (in a fume). v. 1 a intr. emit fumes. b tr. give off as fumes. 2 intr. (often foll. by at) be affected by (esp. suppressed) anger (was… … Useful english dictionary