- gher
- bur·gher;bur·gher·hood;bur·gher·ly;dro·gher;gher·kin;bur·gher·master;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
gher-2 — gher 2 English meaning: to stroke roughly, rub Deutsche Übersetzung: “hart worũber streichen, reiben” Note: compare also die extensions ghrēi , ghrēu , ghrem , ghren , as well as above grōd Material: Gk. κέγχρος “millet,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gher-1 — gher 1 English meaning: expr. root Deutsche Übersetzung: in Schallworten Note: mostly only newer parallel Wortschöpfungen, frequent, often with expressive vowel change and Gemination Material: O.Ind. gharghara ḥ “ rattling,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gher- — I. gher 1 To grasp, enclose; with derivatives meaning “enclosure.” Oldest form *g̑her , becoming *gher in centum languages. Derivatives include orchard, kindergarten, courteous, choir, and choral. 1. Suffixed zero grade form *ghr̥ dh … Universalium
gherə- — Gut, entrail. Oldest form *g̑herə₂ , becoming *gherə₂ in centum languages. 1. Suffixed form *gherə no . yarn, from Old English gearn, yarn, from Germanic *garnō, string. 2. Suffixed form *gherə n . hernia, from Latin hernia … Universalium
gher-3, ghrē- : ghrō- : ghrǝ- — gher 3, ghrē : ghrō : ghrǝ English meaning: to come out, stick out Deutsche Übersetzung: “hervorstechen”, von Pflanzentrieben or stacheln, Borsten, von Erderhebungen, Kanten etc. Note: (probably identical with ghrē : ghrō : ghrǝ… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
gher|kin — «GUR kuhn», noun. 1. a small, prickly cucumber often used for pickles. 2. the plant it grows on. 3. any young, green cucumber used for pickles. ╂[< earlier Dutch agurkje (diminutive) < agurk < Slavic (compare Polish ogurek) < Medieval … Useful english dictionary
gher — /gɜ/ (say ger) noun → ger …
gher·kin — /ˈgɚkən/ noun, pl kins [count] : a small cucumber that is used to make pickles … Useful english dictionary
dro|gher — «DROH guhr», noun. a slow, clumsy sailing boat of the West Indies. ╂[< Middle French drogueur ship that fished and dried herring < Middle Dutch drogher drier] … Useful english dictionary
bur·gher — /ˈbɚgɚ/ noun, pl ghers [count] old fashioned : a person who lives in a particular town or borough the burghers of Vienna … Useful english dictionary